Teeth, August 6, 2005

Both boys are now teething. Andrew has popped two teeth out in the past week. Owen has three that he is working on, but none of them have broken the surface yet. Despite that, they are still very happy babies. Owen also has an earache. Getting him to take his medicine is interesting.

They babies got weighed on Tuesday. Andrew was 20 lbs, 8 oz. Owen was 18 lbs, 11.5 oz (if I got that right--Nancy went to the appointment without me, so this is secondhand).

My book has made it through copyedit--I have received all the chapters back and I have returned all of them. I think the next step is the page proofs. It really seems like we are getting close to a book now!


[Both boys sitting on a quilt]

Andrew and Owen sitting on a quilt

[Dale, Scott, Ing, and the babies]

Dale, Scott, and Ing with the babies--a four-generation picture!

[Edith holding Andrew]

Edith (friend of the family) holding Andrew

[Nancy holding both boys]

Nancy holding both boys

[Owen sitting in the bouncy chair]

Owen sitting in his bouncy chair

[Scott holding both babies]

Scott holding both boys

[Tom holding both babies]

Tom (friend of the family) holding both babies

Scott MacHaffie / scott.machaffie@gte.net